This post was written as part of the Breastfeeding Cafe's Carnival. For more info on the Breastfeeding Cafe, go to www.breastfeedingcafe.wordpress.com. For more info on the Carnival or if you want to participate, contact Claire at clindstrom2 {at} gmail {dot} com. Today's post is about your favorite nursing wear. Please read the other blogs in today's carnival listed below and check back for more posts July 22nd through August 4th!
Sunday, July 28th - Physical support: tell us what is your favorite nursing wear and why!
When I first started nursing, I was afraid I had to buy a whole new wardrobe. I do have a few nursing bras and a couple of nursing shirts. While it can be handy to have some garments designed for nursing, I've discovered it is definitely not required. Sometimes, in fact, it can be easier to wear regular clothes.
Basically, I've discovered that any clothes can work for nursing if they fit one of two categories: ability to lift up from the bottom or the ability for breast access from the neckline. Most of my clothing fits one or both of those categories- with the exception of certain dresses or tight blouses.
If you plan on nursing sitting down, any shirt that you can lift up to allow access will work (along with a nursing bra). If you prefer to keep your midsection more covered, you can wear layers (lift the top layer, pull down the bottom layer to allow breast access). I've tried nursing tanks and never been a fan of the nursing tank with the built-in bra; they just aren't supportive enough for me. I like this idea of a DIY nursing tank. If you prefer to buy premade, I've heard great things about Undercover Mama tanks.
If you prefer more flexibility and want to be able to nurse more easily in a carrier (such as an Ergo, Boba, wrap, etc.), choose a shirt that allows you to lift a breast out of the shirt to feed a baby (stretchy, wide, or v-necks work well).
What's your favorite nursing wear??
Here are more post by the Breastfeeding Cafe Carnival participants! Check back because more will be added throughout the day.
- Laura @ Authentic Parenting-Can’t Live Without a Nursing Bra
- Katy @ Mommy News and Views-Physical Nursing Support for Busty Gals
- Claire @ The Adventures of Lactating Girl-Target Nursing Tanks
- Hailey @ Birth Utah-Nursing Wardrobe
- Timbra @ Bosoms and Babes-Bands, Bras, Tanks & Tees
- Christine @ Momzelle-My Favourite Nursing Wear...Of Course
- Angelina @ dizzyrat-Favorite Feeding Shirt
- And of course the guest poster on the Breastfeeding Cafe’s blog today is Krystyna-Krystyna’s Favorite Nursing Wear
yep, lifting out, that's my game... Gives for some weird stares if you're asking for deeper necklines at every store you go to (was hard this year with the closed necklines to find stuff)
ReplyDeleteSince I am a "lift the shirt" mama, I use Modest Middles (works with your favorite bra) and Glamour Mom tanks to cover my midsection when I nurse wearing a non-breastfeeding blouse. I have a couple of cute "lift out" tops, just too shy to wear them outside of our home. Hats off to you gals that carry it off with confidence! Happy breastfeeding to you and your nursling!