Thursday, December 19, 2013
Register Now! Class starts in January!
For those of you with due dates in 2014, now is the time to register for childbirth education classes. I'm planning on teaching on THURSDAYS -- dates have changed -- please contact me directly for the schedule. Thanks!
Friday, December 6, 2013
Happy Holidays! 2014 class schedule coming soon....
If it wasn't for the snow blanketing my yard, I'd have a hard time believing that 2013 is drawing to a close. It's been a wonderful year for our family, enjoying watching our two girls grow and thrive. I've been blessed to meet amazing people as they prepare for the births of their babies!
I'm now finalizing my schedule for my first 2014 class series, which will finish in time for April-June 2014 due dates. Email me at if you are interested in this class series! I'll post details here and on facebook as soon as it is scheduled.
Happy Holidays to all and a blessed new year!
I'm now finalizing my schedule for my first 2014 class series, which will finish in time for April-June 2014 due dates. Email me at if you are interested in this class series! I'll post details here and on facebook as soon as it is scheduled.
Happy Holidays to all and a blessed new year!
Friday, September 20, 2013
A Birth Center Birth Story
I am so grateful today to be able to share an incredible birth story from a beautiful family. Thank you for sharing in your words your experience!
New Year’s Eve 2012. I had an evening of errands and a little cleaning planned while Andrew worked . . . errands that included picking up one or two ‘girly’ clothing items for the baby, in the case that our little ‘he or she’ was the latter. Our baby’s room seemed fully stocked with gender neutral clothing (maybe even a little heavy on the blue), but I had some gender biased notion that bringing a baby girl home dressed like ‘girl’ would be sweet. I washed and packed away the new little outfit into our only packed-for-the-birth-center bag (no need to have anything else ready to go yet, right, as this baby was staying in until our due date . . . or so we naïvely thought). Time to finally wash the kitchen floor (a task I had put off for at least two weeks; bending and scrubbing and a nice sized baby bump just didn’t seem to go hand in hand, so I procrastinated). But the Lucian hair was starting to collect in the corners (the dog that didn’t shed a wink for the first year of his life seems to have become your standard d-o-g, shedding and all). I don’t think I had even really started the sweeping when I started feeling a little uncomfortable . . . general tightening (like the Braxton-Hicks we’d been feeling for months, but actually somewhat ‘painful’). Maybe I wasn’t paying attention during our wonderful childbirth class, but I couldn’t remember what an early stage labor contraction was supposed to feel like. I figured this sensation was just the result of a little dehydration, opened a coconut water and went back to cleaning, pausing every once and awhile to rub my very tight, uncomfortable belly. I won’t claim to have done a solid job cleaning that floor (by the end of the short cleaning session, the waves of tightening were fairly strong, but I was clearly in denial). By 8:30pm or so, Lucian and I were snuggled on the couch, watching Enchanted (half-heartedly) and catching up on some emails, waiting for Andrew to get home from work. I played around with baby names (we still hadn’t settled and our ‘top five’ girls list was still a ‘top fifteen’ or so) and started dinner. Andrew came home at around 9:30 or so, and I distinctly remember saying “don’t worry, I don’t think it’s labor, but I’m feeling a little weird and it’s kind of regular” . . . He and I both figured that these came on too quickly, not strong enough, and too regularly (what were we thinking?! Wouldn’t regularity be a clue?) for them to be actual labor. We thought I would drink some water, get some sleep and by morning we’d be back to normal. Silly kids! We did sit down and figure out our top five girl names . . . my “just in case” instinct. I didn’t make it until “Happy New Years!”, but instead headed up to bed at about 11:30 to try to sleep. No such luck. I downloaded a little contraction timer and squirmed around in our bed, timing these now significantly uncomfortable contractions. Significantly uncomfortable might be downplaying it, but I had nothing to compare these to, and I figured ‘real’ labor would be excruciating. I googled ‘early labor’ and saw story after story of ‘false labor’ (we call it ‘practice labor’, which I much prefer). Nonetheless, the contractions continued . . . averaging about 50 to 60 seconds, every two and a half to three minutes. I know, I know . . . looking back on this, it seems silly that we didn’t recognize this as labor-labor, but I’ve been so mellow this whole pregnancy (part of the reason I thought it might be a girl), it kind of was par for the course for us to brush aside these strong, frequent contractions. Andrew went to bed a little after midnight (as we joked, “you ready for a baby?!”) and I tried to sleep. No such luck (again). I wandered around the house, pausing every two minutes or so to crouch/squat on the floor and hang my belly in between my legs (trying to relax into the contraction). It was strong, but the ‘go with it’, ‘ride the waves’, ‘this is only temporary’, and ‘I’m not alone . . . think of all the women in the world that are going through this in their own way right now’ mantras were helpful. I ran a bath, thinking that would slow things down . . . Nope! Time seemed to go by both quickly and slowly as I passed through the house, followed by Lucian’s watchful eye. I was trying to eat small things (kefir, fruit leather, a cliff bar . . . ) between contractions and drink plenty of liquids. When I’d pause on the floor, Lucian would check on me. It was comforting to have ‘someone’ to share this crazy (difficult?) movement through time with and I had no need to wake Andrew (at this point I was pretty sure the labor was for real). I figured it was best to let him rest while he could. By 4:15 in the morning, the contractions were unbelievably strong (I had one minor breakdown on the living room floor, thinking ‘woah, what did I get myself into’, but it lasted through one contraction . . . I refocused on all the positives – we get to meet our little one soon! -- and it set me in motion to get Andrew). Climbing the stairs and getting to our bedroom took another two contractions, and then I worked through another on our bedroom floor before I was able to get Andrew from bed. “I think it’s really time to call Becky . . . “ (our midwife on duty). She’s beyond well versed and I think she could tell we needed to head on into the birth center. We (Andrew) told her we’d be there in about 45 minutes and then Andrew had to race around the house to get our labor bags finalized. I had all these wonderful labor snacks and goodies and toiletries ready to go, thinking we’d be laboring at our birth center for hours . . . hmm . . . is it foreshadowing to just come out and say that all this running around to gather things was highly unnecessary?
Easily the worst part of the evening was the car ride to the birth center (all of nearly 10 minutes). I couldn’t sit through a contraction at home (why hospitals make women labor in a lying/sitting position is beyond me . . . these were by far the most painful positions) so sitting through contractions in a moving vehicle was not looking to be very promising. We zipped (. . . did I say ‘zipped’? I meant wobbled . . . waddled . . . swayed . . . ) out of our house at about 5:30am on New Year’s Day . . . the air was beyond crisp (in the low teens and snowing on and off) and the streets were beautifully quiet. I felt kind of like a drunk passenger (all the twinkling lights and kind of unaware of where in the drive we were, even though it’s a drive we know so well). Only one red light . . . and Andrew drove plenty fast enough to make me feel safe. Still, I started to feel a slight need to push as we sped down 9th South and neared the birth center. If I was in a state of mind to think clearly, I would have recognized this as ‘transition’, but I was so focused on moving with and through each contraction that the idea of ‘stages’ didn’t occur to me. I climbed out of the car and ended up having a contraction on the pavement (thinking “I’m not the first one to do this!”). The icy cool of the pavement felt nice and real (out of this weird car ride dream world) and it grounded me. Becky let us into the warm, dim birthing room (one more contraction on the floor) and had me checked for dilation . . . 8 and a half centimeters dilated! I think even she was surprised. Excuse my bragging . . . Most first time mums don’t make it to 8.5cm while laboring at home (in the U.S.). Becky had the birthing tub (gorgeous ritzy hotel grade Jacuzzi tub) drawn and ready for me and I couldn’t have jumped in quickly enough. Baths have always been my place of calm, comfort and focus. It was almost simple and second nature to climb in and the urge to push was almost immediate. I felt completely empowered, as our midwife and birth attendant stepped back and let me do what my body was made to do. Every once and awhile she would remind me to move with the waves (contractions) or slow down (I had the same urgency to get this little mystery child out as this little wonder baby had to be out)! I guess we worked together, this little one and I . . . The pushing was the most comforting part (not really painful until the final two pushes, just strenuous and overpowering). Every part of this labor has its purpose and when you’re finally able to feel and see what you have been waiting all these months (years!) for . . . that becomes an easy focal point. *For those that think I’m being silly by saying the pushing wasn’t painful -- It was the contractions prior to the urge to push that were painful, don’t be mistaken!
No more than 40 minutes in the tub, pushing through contractions and she was in my arms. Becky asked if we’d like to catch her and, of course, I had been waiting my whole life for this so I was pleased that our little baby popped right out (head and elbow/arm first) and I carried her up onto my chest. She came out in the same pose she spent much of her ‘in the belly time’ in . . . One hand up by her face. In fact, as I type, she is lying across my chest/belly, body splayed open (‘yay, I can finally stretch out!’) with one hand pressed against her face.
We were in such a moment of disbelief and shock and elation that we forgot to even check whether she (yes, she!) was a boy or a girl! Finally I flipped her around and Andrew said “girl!” (he was right all along) and we just stared at her and stroked her. The water suddenly felt much cooler than it had (I was a little heater through the labor) and we covered her in a warm, wet towel, placed a little hat on her sweet head (little reddish blonde hair!) and spent about 15 minutes snuggled in the bath. Papa Andrew took some photos and then took our little yet-unnamed bundle from me to hold. I was still in a state of awe, but seeing him hold her for the first time (like a natural father!) was beyond incredible. He stared at her melted (and it’s been that way ever since). I climbed out of the tub and was given a shot in the leg (wee!) and was situated on the bed so that Becky could check bleeding and for tears. No perennial tearing (thankfully, as with the speed she came out, I think they were expecting a little something), but the little warrior with her elbow up through the birth did a little deep scratch internally, so they quickly gave me a couple stitches (my first!) and then brought our little girl back to me for her first non-placenta-umbilical meal J We did a little kangaroo snuggling, skin to skin, as she fed. Andrew climbed onto the big bed with us and we got to lay there and bask in her sweetness. It was wonderful to be left alone for our first time as a family (minus little Lucian who was exhausted at home after being my labor doula). We spent about an hour there, just snuggled together, and then Becky and Megan (the birth attendant) came back to do some vitals, check on our daughter (our daughter!!!!) and make sure I was able to get up and pee (no problems there . . . adrenaline is this incredible, natural drug). Baby girl Philp was weighed (7lbs. 0oz.) and measured (19in. long . . . much of it in her skinny – but strong – little legs). We watched as they gracefully checked her over (all while in our birthing room), with barely a peep as she was given her first little shot (braver than her Mama, already).
I watched as Andrew gave the sweet little thing her first bath (back into the water she went!) and she barely fussed as she entered the water . . . So calm. We kept looking at each other and saying “she is SO good . . . she is SO amazing . . . she is SO incredible . . . “ Maybe the midwives say it to all new parents, but they were pretty impressed with her easiness (and the quick, seemingly scripted labor).
We got our little girl bundled and snuggled up again . . . time drifted by and we were checked a few more times before given the okay to pack up and head out into our world for the first time as a little family of 3 (Lucian just kicked me in his sleep to remind me we were already a family of 3 and I should correct myself). J Not a whimper as she was strapped into her car seat and carried out into what became a bright, crisp New Year’s Day. By 1:00pm we were on the road and on our way home to begin this new adventure!
I have this strange notion of entering the birth center as just two people and leaving as three . . . Enter with baby in belly, leave with baby in arms. It’s like the birth center was this strange portal through which our daughter came into this world. It will always be a special place for us (and I can’t say more good things about our experience with a natural birth)!
More on our first day home, when I get the chance to write. I’m passing little Malin (she remained nameless until late-afternoon on her first day) off to Andrew so I can get dinner and then get Malin her dinner. We’re in a blissful world of newborn love, adventure and learning. So thankful for all the friends and family and new friends and new family that have guided us through this journey and will be there for us through this next chapter. 2012 was a year of blessings and 2013 started out to be the year of miracles (in the most natural sense of the word).
A very happy Mama
New Year’s Eve 2012. I had an evening of errands and a little cleaning planned while Andrew worked . . . errands that included picking up one or two ‘girly’ clothing items for the baby, in the case that our little ‘he or she’ was the latter. Our baby’s room seemed fully stocked with gender neutral clothing (maybe even a little heavy on the blue), but I had some gender biased notion that bringing a baby girl home dressed like ‘girl’ would be sweet. I washed and packed away the new little outfit into our only packed-for-the-birth-center bag (no need to have anything else ready to go yet, right, as this baby was staying in until our due date . . . or so we naïvely thought). Time to finally wash the kitchen floor (a task I had put off for at least two weeks; bending and scrubbing and a nice sized baby bump just didn’t seem to go hand in hand, so I procrastinated). But the Lucian hair was starting to collect in the corners (the dog that didn’t shed a wink for the first year of his life seems to have become your standard d-o-g, shedding and all). I don’t think I had even really started the sweeping when I started feeling a little uncomfortable . . . general tightening (like the Braxton-Hicks we’d been feeling for months, but actually somewhat ‘painful’). Maybe I wasn’t paying attention during our wonderful childbirth class, but I couldn’t remember what an early stage labor contraction was supposed to feel like. I figured this sensation was just the result of a little dehydration, opened a coconut water and went back to cleaning, pausing every once and awhile to rub my very tight, uncomfortable belly. I won’t claim to have done a solid job cleaning that floor (by the end of the short cleaning session, the waves of tightening were fairly strong, but I was clearly in denial). By 8:30pm or so, Lucian and I were snuggled on the couch, watching Enchanted (half-heartedly) and catching up on some emails, waiting for Andrew to get home from work. I played around with baby names (we still hadn’t settled and our ‘top five’ girls list was still a ‘top fifteen’ or so) and started dinner. Andrew came home at around 9:30 or so, and I distinctly remember saying “don’t worry, I don’t think it’s labor, but I’m feeling a little weird and it’s kind of regular” . . . He and I both figured that these came on too quickly, not strong enough, and too regularly (what were we thinking?! Wouldn’t regularity be a clue?) for them to be actual labor. We thought I would drink some water, get some sleep and by morning we’d be back to normal. Silly kids! We did sit down and figure out our top five girl names . . . my “just in case” instinct. I didn’t make it until “Happy New Years!”, but instead headed up to bed at about 11:30 to try to sleep. No such luck. I downloaded a little contraction timer and squirmed around in our bed, timing these now significantly uncomfortable contractions. Significantly uncomfortable might be downplaying it, but I had nothing to compare these to, and I figured ‘real’ labor would be excruciating. I googled ‘early labor’ and saw story after story of ‘false labor’ (we call it ‘practice labor’, which I much prefer). Nonetheless, the contractions continued . . . averaging about 50 to 60 seconds, every two and a half to three minutes. I know, I know . . . looking back on this, it seems silly that we didn’t recognize this as labor-labor, but I’ve been so mellow this whole pregnancy (part of the reason I thought it might be a girl), it kind of was par for the course for us to brush aside these strong, frequent contractions. Andrew went to bed a little after midnight (as we joked, “you ready for a baby?!”) and I tried to sleep. No such luck (again). I wandered around the house, pausing every two minutes or so to crouch/squat on the floor and hang my belly in between my legs (trying to relax into the contraction). It was strong, but the ‘go with it’, ‘ride the waves’, ‘this is only temporary’, and ‘I’m not alone . . . think of all the women in the world that are going through this in their own way right now’ mantras were helpful. I ran a bath, thinking that would slow things down . . . Nope! Time seemed to go by both quickly and slowly as I passed through the house, followed by Lucian’s watchful eye. I was trying to eat small things (kefir, fruit leather, a cliff bar . . . ) between contractions and drink plenty of liquids. When I’d pause on the floor, Lucian would check on me. It was comforting to have ‘someone’ to share this crazy (difficult?) movement through time with and I had no need to wake Andrew (at this point I was pretty sure the labor was for real). I figured it was best to let him rest while he could. By 4:15 in the morning, the contractions were unbelievably strong (I had one minor breakdown on the living room floor, thinking ‘woah, what did I get myself into’, but it lasted through one contraction . . . I refocused on all the positives – we get to meet our little one soon! -- and it set me in motion to get Andrew). Climbing the stairs and getting to our bedroom took another two contractions, and then I worked through another on our bedroom floor before I was able to get Andrew from bed. “I think it’s really time to call Becky . . . “ (our midwife on duty). She’s beyond well versed and I think she could tell we needed to head on into the birth center. We (Andrew) told her we’d be there in about 45 minutes and then Andrew had to race around the house to get our labor bags finalized. I had all these wonderful labor snacks and goodies and toiletries ready to go, thinking we’d be laboring at our birth center for hours . . . hmm . . . is it foreshadowing to just come out and say that all this running around to gather things was highly unnecessary?
Easily the worst part of the evening was the car ride to the birth center (all of nearly 10 minutes). I couldn’t sit through a contraction at home (why hospitals make women labor in a lying/sitting position is beyond me . . . these were by far the most painful positions) so sitting through contractions in a moving vehicle was not looking to be very promising. We zipped (. . . did I say ‘zipped’? I meant wobbled . . . waddled . . . swayed . . . ) out of our house at about 5:30am on New Year’s Day . . . the air was beyond crisp (in the low teens and snowing on and off) and the streets were beautifully quiet. I felt kind of like a drunk passenger (all the twinkling lights and kind of unaware of where in the drive we were, even though it’s a drive we know so well). Only one red light . . . and Andrew drove plenty fast enough to make me feel safe. Still, I started to feel a slight need to push as we sped down 9th South and neared the birth center. If I was in a state of mind to think clearly, I would have recognized this as ‘transition’, but I was so focused on moving with and through each contraction that the idea of ‘stages’ didn’t occur to me. I climbed out of the car and ended up having a contraction on the pavement (thinking “I’m not the first one to do this!”). The icy cool of the pavement felt nice and real (out of this weird car ride dream world) and it grounded me. Becky let us into the warm, dim birthing room (one more contraction on the floor) and had me checked for dilation . . . 8 and a half centimeters dilated! I think even she was surprised. Excuse my bragging . . . Most first time mums don’t make it to 8.5cm while laboring at home (in the U.S.). Becky had the birthing tub (gorgeous ritzy hotel grade Jacuzzi tub) drawn and ready for me and I couldn’t have jumped in quickly enough. Baths have always been my place of calm, comfort and focus. It was almost simple and second nature to climb in and the urge to push was almost immediate. I felt completely empowered, as our midwife and birth attendant stepped back and let me do what my body was made to do. Every once and awhile she would remind me to move with the waves (contractions) or slow down (I had the same urgency to get this little mystery child out as this little wonder baby had to be out)! I guess we worked together, this little one and I . . . The pushing was the most comforting part (not really painful until the final two pushes, just strenuous and overpowering). Every part of this labor has its purpose and when you’re finally able to feel and see what you have been waiting all these months (years!) for . . . that becomes an easy focal point. *For those that think I’m being silly by saying the pushing wasn’t painful -- It was the contractions prior to the urge to push that were painful, don’t be mistaken!
No more than 40 minutes in the tub, pushing through contractions and she was in my arms. Becky asked if we’d like to catch her and, of course, I had been waiting my whole life for this so I was pleased that our little baby popped right out (head and elbow/arm first) and I carried her up onto my chest. She came out in the same pose she spent much of her ‘in the belly time’ in . . . One hand up by her face. In fact, as I type, she is lying across my chest/belly, body splayed open (‘yay, I can finally stretch out!’) with one hand pressed against her face.
We were in such a moment of disbelief and shock and elation that we forgot to even check whether she (yes, she!) was a boy or a girl! Finally I flipped her around and Andrew said “girl!” (he was right all along) and we just stared at her and stroked her. The water suddenly felt much cooler than it had (I was a little heater through the labor) and we covered her in a warm, wet towel, placed a little hat on her sweet head (little reddish blonde hair!) and spent about 15 minutes snuggled in the bath. Papa Andrew took some photos and then took our little yet-unnamed bundle from me to hold. I was still in a state of awe, but seeing him hold her for the first time (like a natural father!) was beyond incredible. He stared at her melted (and it’s been that way ever since). I climbed out of the tub and was given a shot in the leg (wee!) and was situated on the bed so that Becky could check bleeding and for tears. No perennial tearing (thankfully, as with the speed she came out, I think they were expecting a little something), but the little warrior with her elbow up through the birth did a little deep scratch internally, so they quickly gave me a couple stitches (my first!) and then brought our little girl back to me for her first non-placenta-umbilical meal J We did a little kangaroo snuggling, skin to skin, as she fed. Andrew climbed onto the big bed with us and we got to lay there and bask in her sweetness. It was wonderful to be left alone for our first time as a family (minus little Lucian who was exhausted at home after being my labor doula). We spent about an hour there, just snuggled together, and then Becky and Megan (the birth attendant) came back to do some vitals, check on our daughter (our daughter!!!!) and make sure I was able to get up and pee (no problems there . . . adrenaline is this incredible, natural drug). Baby girl Philp was weighed (7lbs. 0oz.) and measured (19in. long . . . much of it in her skinny – but strong – little legs). We watched as they gracefully checked her over (all while in our birthing room), with barely a peep as she was given her first little shot (braver than her Mama, already).
I watched as Andrew gave the sweet little thing her first bath (back into the water she went!) and she barely fussed as she entered the water . . . So calm. We kept looking at each other and saying “she is SO good . . . she is SO amazing . . . she is SO incredible . . . “ Maybe the midwives say it to all new parents, but they were pretty impressed with her easiness (and the quick, seemingly scripted labor).
We got our little girl bundled and snuggled up again . . . time drifted by and we were checked a few more times before given the okay to pack up and head out into our world for the first time as a little family of 3 (Lucian just kicked me in his sleep to remind me we were already a family of 3 and I should correct myself). J Not a whimper as she was strapped into her car seat and carried out into what became a bright, crisp New Year’s Day. By 1:00pm we were on the road and on our way home to begin this new adventure!
I have this strange notion of entering the birth center as just two people and leaving as three . . . Enter with baby in belly, leave with baby in arms. It’s like the birth center was this strange portal through which our daughter came into this world. It will always be a special place for us (and I can’t say more good things about our experience with a natural birth)!
More on our first day home, when I get the chance to write. I’m passing little Malin (she remained nameless until late-afternoon on her first day) off to Andrew so I can get dinner and then get Malin her dinner. We’re in a blissful world of newborn love, adventure and learning. So thankful for all the friends and family and new friends and new family that have guided us through this journey and will be there for us through this next chapter. 2012 was a year of blessings and 2013 started out to be the year of miracles (in the most natural sense of the word).
A very happy Mama
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Register Now: Childbirth Class October-November 2013
Now taking registration for my fall series of childbirth education classes! This will be a special 8 week series that's ideal for moms due this winter or spring. Classes will be held from Oct 8 through Nov 26 on Tuesday nights from 6:30 til 9. Tuition is $275, which includes all books, materials, snacks, etc. Please register online (see the "register" tab above) or email me with any questions!
Note: Since this class is 8 sessions instead of my usual 10, I will have to condense some of my information and let students do a bit more reading on their own. My goal is to still cover the same information, just to be more brief on topics that are less pertinent to the current group. :)
Note: Since this class is 8 sessions instead of my usual 10, I will have to condense some of my information and let students do a bit more reading on their own. My goal is to still cover the same information, just to be more brief on topics that are less pertinent to the current group. :)
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Re-lactation- Breastfeeding Success: Guest Post

This post was written as part of the Breastfeeding Cafe's Carnival. For more info on the Breastfeeding Cafe, go to For more info on the Carnival or if you want to participate, contact Claire at clindstrom2 {at} gmail {dot} com. Today's post is about breastfeeding success stories. Please read the other blogs in today's carnival listed below and check back for more posts July 22nd through August 4th!
We've reached the last day of the Breastfeeding Cafe Blog Carnival! I'm amazed I was able to post everyday. :) If you're local, come visit the Breastfeeding Cafe at the Main library downtown; check their calendar for upcoming events!
Today's post is about breastfeeding success, and as I type and nurse my beautiful 6 month old and watch my smart, funny, healthy 2 year old, I feel grateful for my successful breastfeeding relationships. However, when I saw this topic I knew whose story would be perfect to share.
So, today's post comes from my friend Elisabeth. She took my classes before the birth of her daughter in 2011, and she's an amazing person and incredible mother. I admire her so much. Elisabeth is currently anticipating the arrival of her second baby! The rest of this post are her words.
When I found out I was pregnant, I already had a plan. I was going to have a home birth, and I was going to nurse by baby until she was at least aged 2. And I didn’t have my head in the clouds about it; I did my research on home birth, and I attended every La Leche League meeting until the birth of my baby.
But my plan began to fall apart when, after 22 hours of labor, we were surprised with a bottom, rather than a head, in the birth canal. I ended up transferring to the hospital and had a c-section about 4 hours later. But immediately following my daughter’s Cesarean birth I was still a lucky Momma. Maybe it was the 24 hours of natural labor that came before, or just plain good luck, but my milk came in fast and there was plenty of it. But the next 8 weeks were difficult, as I had imagined within days of giving birth that I would be walking up and down the street with my new baby in my arms. I felt a little sorry for myself, but I knew we had done everything we could to have a natural birth. I was mostly angry for the thousands of mothers given C-sections for the convenience of their doctors. It was a terribly difficult way to start motherhood, and made breastfeeding more challenging than it otherwise would have been.
While my wounds healed fast, my overall health was deteriorating. I had terrible back pain and spasms that came and went. I was finally diagnosed with a bulged disc, and was told time and rest would improve things. I temporarily gave up nursing when my baby was 2 ½ months because I could barely hold her anymore, and for some reason lying on my side to nurse hurt more than anything. I cried the first time she took a bottle, even though at first it was still breast milk. The months went by and the medications increased to keep up with the increasing pain. I lost weight.
The doctors didn’t know why I wasn’t getting better, and they gave me more painkillers and valium to help me sleep. Eventually we had to hire someone to take care of our baby because I could hardly take care of myself, let alone her. Those were dark days, and added to the list of medications were two anti-depressants. Post-partum depression was thrown around and I wanted to scream. I wasn’t depressed because I just had a baby, I was depressed because I was sick, I was sure I was dying; I just had a baby I loved more than life itself and couldn’t even take care of her. The fact this was happening “post-partum” had nothing to do with it; something was physically wrong with me, and nobody could tell me what it was. I was 15 pounds under my already thin pre-pregnancy weight, and I finally had to stop pumping milk. I lost so much weight I wouldn’t let anyone take pictures of me and would only let a couple of close friends see me. I couldn’t sleep because of the pain. I would cry into my baby’s outgrown reindeer snowsuit from loneliness as she and my husband slept together in the next room.
Eventually my new and brilliant doctor identified one definite problem: I was addicted to the pain medications. I put myself on a three-week schedule to wean off the Lortab and Vallium, and experienced a month of pain and anxiety while detoxing that was unimaginable. But it was worth every second of knowing we had a plan and were closer to figuring out what was actually wrong with me. When my baby was about 5 months old, the anxiety attacks stopped and I was off every medication…Trazadone, Lortab, Valium, and Celexa. I was still in pain, still barely able to sleep, and still dependent on Jane’s nanny for her care, but the pain was different, and I went to see my doctor again, proudly bringing in my purse the leftover pills for disposal.
It was then that she asked me about ulcers, and I said yes, I had them before, a long time ago. So she put me on Prilosec. That night I took it before bed, and finally fell asleep. In the past, I would sleep for a maximum of 2 hours before pain would wake me. But this time, I woke up 4 hours later in no pain. Alone in bed, I waited for the pain to start, but it never did. I was so excited I couldn’t sleep. I could hardly believe my luck. Was it possible I just had a mad case of ulcers?
I did some research and discovered that yes, peptic ulcers can cause back pain (and all those medications only makes them worse). I was so thrilled to be alive and well and cured I just focused on my baby. It didn’t occur to me for a few weeks to be angry at the stupidity of it all. Within a day it she remembered who I was, that I had been “gone” before, and she wouldn’t let me go. We all started to sleep together again, and I just wanted to move on from my terrible experience.
But within a couple of weeks I was crying all the time again. I was angry at what had been stolen from me, months of my baby’s life I would never get back, and losing the nursing relationship I had worked so hard for. I had attended every La Leche League meeting I could during my pregnancy. I was proud of how long I had held on to nursing, but it was a far cry from what I had hoped for.
So as soon as I discovered that re-lactation was an option, I knew I had to try it. I couldn’t get back those months with my baby, but if I could nurse again, I believed I could put my pain behind me. I was not worried about my supply. I knew I would produce enough milk and in the off chance I didn’t, I knew every little bit I did was important for my baby. The problem was helping my baby remember how to nurse.
I pumped for a couple of months while trying the many wonderful suggestions from my friends at La Leche League. I took Fenugreek and ate oatmeal. I stayed well hydrated. I slept skin to skin with my baby, not only to help her remember to nurse, but also because just being close to your baby helps your body produce the hormones needed to make milk. I pumped in the middle of the night, when those hormones are highest. Progress in my supply was noticeable, but although Jane showed some promising early signs such as relaxing against me when we were skin to skin and even turning her head to my chest, she hardly noticed or cared about my breasts. My heart broke at her excitement to be given a bottle.
The SNS was a disaster for us. She would play with the tubes and not try latching, even with a nipple shield. She was too old not to find them entertaining. I must have tried it several times before I decided that if every session would result in a sobbing baby and me chucking the SNS across the room that it just wasn’t going to work for us. I had to figure something else out, not just to help her, but for my own sanity. I had to figure out something realistic that I could handle.
After doing some reading and talking to La Leche League some more, I found an article online which would end up being one of the most useful tips I came across. It was about re-lactation for adopted babies. As far as teaching baby to nurse, it reminded mothers that nursing is an intimate act that is part of the trusting relationship between Mom and Baby. It really resonated with me. I felt that my baby, in being abruptly weaned at a young age, then hardly being held close by her mother for two months, that I had to rebuild that basic relationship with her. I stopped worrying so much about every attempt to nurse but focused on just bonding with her through bottle feeding, diaper changing, and just everyday activities together. I promised her over and over that I would still love her as much as ever if she chose not to nurse again, but if she did that I would always be there for her, that she could trust me, that I was sorry about weaning her before and not being able to take care of her before. I would talk to her like this very calmly and softly at night before going to sleep, but often I would have tears running down my face in the dark.
Finally, we went on a long vacation and I needed to figure out exactly what I could handle while we were away. Just in time, I had an email from an old high school friend who is an IBCLC in Australia who reminded me that lots of skin to skin was most important. So I made a decision: I would do what I could on vacation, things that were working for us already, but focus on consistently continuing to a) keep my supply up by maintaining a pumping schedule, b) provide as much skin to skin as I could considering we would almost constantly be around relatives and c) “nurse” her during bottle feedings by putting her face against my bare skin (even if it wasn’t actually my breast) and looking at her and smiling at her like we were nursing. Even though by now she could certainly hold her own bottle, these were things that I knew I could do without going crazy on what was supposed to be a relaxing and enjoyable vacation. I also packed my nipple shield, just in case, but had no intention of using it. I just knew if an opportunity presented itself I would be sorry if I didn’t have it.
A week or so of our trip went by and Jane started exhibiting some strange behaviors. She started rooting on everything, my 8 year old cousin, my husband, even the bed. I saw her doing it from out a window when she and my husband were lounging outside on a blanket on the grass. I knew what she was looking for, even if she still didn’t. Suddenly I knew she would get it, and she would get it soon.
I had a bottle of breast milk ready for her nap, but when I brought her into the guest room, I took out the nipple shield and closed the door. By now I had enough of a supply that I was able to hand express some milk into the shield and offered her my breast while we lay side by side on the bed. On the third try, she latched on. I did not cry tears of joy, which surprised me. I just breathed a sigh of relief. I knew I only had about half the milk she needed for each day, but I knew the hardest part was over. She began nursing again, at 7 ½ months old, 5 months after the last time she nursed and about 2 months since I started the process of re-lactation. When she fell asleep I went straight to my husband with the bottle of breast milk, still full. It took him a second to figure out what it meant. Then I messaged my friend and LLL Leader Meghan, who had been my primary source of information, incouragement, and let's face it, emotional sounding board through my entire experience. As luck would have it, she was on her way to a leaders meeting, where everyone cheered at the news. I felt blessed with my wonderful family and friends and their support.
At first she would nurse at night and for naps (no more getting up to pump!). I started nursing her in the Ergo, too, and she took to that well. Within a few days it was obvious she didn’t need the nipple shield. We were walking all around New York City, her in the Ergo, my husband peeking in to watch her nurse, even more in awe of the sight than he had been when she was a newborn. It was even more miraculous the second time around. I stopped pumping almost immediately because I was so tired of it, but with good breastfeeding management I was up to a full supply anyway when she was about 9 months old. It was a struggle, but not a day goes by that I am not grateful to have my nursing relationship back with my baby.
I am not sure how to close this up except to share my advice for mothers who wish to re-lactate. Be realistic, have hope, learn everything you can, try it all, and then use what works for you and your baby. It also helps to have a supportive friend and knowledgeable person on your side, as well as a supportive partner. Thank you to La Leche League who taught me everything I needed to know, my friends and leaders Meghan and Megan, and all the other leaders in Salt Lake who were behind us every step of the way. I also wouldn’t have done it without my husband, whose complete faith and support helped me make it through the toughest days. And to my baby girl, for making me a Mother, the hardest but best job in the world.
--Elisabeth Epperson
Here are more post by the Breastfeeding Cafe Carnival participants! Check back because more will be added throughout the day.
- Amy @ Wildflower Ramblings-My sweet nursling {breastfeeding through bleeding and a tongue tie}
- Sara @ Momzelle-My breastfeeding success
- Claire @ The Adventures of Lactating Girl-Three Years and Two Months
- Krystyna @ Sweet Pea Families-Breastfeeding Success from Start to Here
- Hailey @ Birth Utah-Re-lactation Breastfeeding Success
- Timbra @ Bosoms and Babes-Story of Our Success
- Mercedes @ Project Procrastinot-Bfing
- Angelina @ dizzyrat-Breastfeeding Success
- And of course the guest poster on the Breastfeeding Cafe’s blog today is Danielle-Breastfeeding Success
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Got my guard up...feeding my baby

This post was written as part of the Breastfeeding Cafe's Carnival. For more info on the Breastfeeding Cafe, go to For more info on the Carnival or if you want to participate, contact Claire at clindstrom2 {at} gmail {dot} com. Today's post is about your most unlikely support. Please read the other blogs in today's carnival listed below and check back for more posts July 22nd through August 4th!
Saturday, August 3rd - Your most unlikely support: was there someone in your life that you expected to give you grief about nursing, but instead was your biggest fan?
When my first daughter was 10 weeks old, I was on a crowded plane with her and she was hungry (more about that trip here). Of course, I began to feed (breastfeed) her. I had an aisle seat and was sitting next to a stranger who was a young adult man. I was relieved when I was able to get her to latch on successfully without elbowing the guy or causing a scene. However, nursing in a tiny airplane seat was a bit awkward and my elbow and knee were sticking out into the aisle. As the older male flight attendant came down the aisle to give us a drink and a cookie (the good old days when Frontier airlines gave out warm chocolate chip cookies...), I was thinking of a few come-backs in case he gave me grief about nursing my baby. Instead, he smiled warmly at me, handed me my drink, and gave me not one, but two of the warm cookies with the comment, "Here's one for you and one for the baby...but you might have to eat hers for her." It was a simple gesture, but as a new unsure mom, it felt like a pat on the back and helped me to calm down and enjoy the rest of the flight without stressing out about feeding my baby.
Flash forward to when my second daughter was 6 months old (this was just a few weeks ago), and we were at a Target Portrait Studio trying to get a couple quick snapshots taken. My poor baby was hungry and tired and NOT cooperative. They offered to let another family go ahead of us so I could work on calming the baby and we could try again. Sitting in the waiting chairs, I began to nurse her. The other photographer, an older male, approached me and I wondered if he was going to ask me to go somewhere else to nurse. Nope!! He came over and said, "I'm so glad to see you nursing in here. We have a daughter about that age and I totally get it- when they need to eat, they need to eat! Did you hear about that mom who got grief at the swimming pool for feeding her baby? That's ridiculous!..." and continued for a bit to discuss the importance of nursing in public. I appreciated his support, my child calmed down, and we got a cute picture a few minutes later:
These two brief encounters were no big deal, but I really appreciated both of these guys for their support instead of criticism. Braced for a fight, I've been very pleased that people have been supportive of my nursing in public!
More importantly, and a more accurate answer to this question, I appreciate the support from my mother-in-law. I shouldn't have expected anything less than support from her, because she has always been very kind and loving to me even when my decisions are different from her own (and being different, perhaps make her a bit my out-of-hospital birth). I was a little concerned that since she hadn't nursed any of her children, she might not understand my desire to exclusively breastfeed and would push supplementing with formula or something. Not only did she not make any discouraging comments or try to sway me, she was a vocal advocate of my breastfeeding, always commenting on a new study she'd heard about the benefits, taking into consideration my need to feed my baby when she was hungry, making it clear that I was welcome to nurse in her house whenever and wherever I needed to, and telling me what a good mom I was. What a wonderful gift she gave me with her support!
So, next time you see a nursing mother, remember that being a parent can sometimes be hard, and she might need a boost. You might be the one who can make her day!
Here are more post by the Breastfeeding Cafe Carnival participants! Check back because more will be added throughout the day.
- Katy Rank Lev @ Mommy News and Views-Support from Unlikely Sources
- Claire @ The Adventures of Lactating Girl-My Most Unlikely Support Is... Me
- Christine @ Momzelle-Breastfeeding and my mother-in-law
- Timbra @ Bosoms and Babes-Unexpected Places of the Heart
- Krystyna @ Sweet Pea Families-My Boss Said Yes
- Angelina @ dizzyrat-Finding unexpected support in our community
- Hailey @ Birth Utah-Got my guard up... feeding my baby
- And of course the guest poster on the Breastfeeding Cafe’s blog today is Sarah-Most Unlikely Support-The Grandma Generation
Friday, August 2, 2013
Tips for Breastfeeding Success

This post was written as part of the Breastfeeding Cafe's Carnival. For more info on the Breastfeeding Cafe, go to For more info on the Carnival or if you want to participate, contact Claire at clindstrom2 {at} gmail {dot} com. Today's post is your tips to succeed. Please read the other blogs in today's carnival listed below and check back for more posts July 22nd through August 4th!
Friday, August 2nd - Your tips to succeed: what do you wish you would have known or were happy that you knew to help you succeed with breastfeeding.
I am grateful to have had a lot of things going for me when I started breastfeeding: an amazingly supportive husband, a great childbirth educator who instilled in me a confidence that I could and should breastfeed my baby, a wonderful midwife who helped me to get off to a great start, and supportive family. I'm grateful I understood the basics of supply and demand, had a good support system, attended La Leche League and knew a few good resources (kellymom!).
I wish I'd known more about babywearing with good carriers that I could nurse in. Once I figured that out (when my first daughter was about 9 months old), a whole new world of freedom was open to me :).
I also wish I'd known more about lip-tie and tongue-tie. If you are concerned about lip-tie and/or tongue-tie, attend a LLL meeting, have a consultatation with an IBCLC, and consult a qualified pediatric dentist, such as Dr. Richter here in Utah.
One of my favorite articles on getting started right with breastfeeding is by Dr. Jack Newman.
What do you wish you'd known?? or were glad you knew??
Here are more post by the Breastfeeding Cafe Carnival participants! Check back because more will be added throughout the day.
- Katy Rank Lev @ Mommy News and Views-Tips to Succeed: What I Wish I'd Known
- Claire @ The Adventures of Lactating Girl-Creating Your Support System
- Christine @ Momzelle-My Most Helpful Breastfeeding Tip
- Angelina @ dizzyrat-Breastfeeding: Tips for success!
- Hailey @ Birth Utah-Tips for Breastfeeding Success
- Krystyna @ Sweet Pea Births-5 Tips for Mama Learning About Breastfeeding
- And of course the guest poster on the Breastfeeding Cafe’s blog today is Lexy Sauvé-Stick It Out
Thursday, August 1, 2013
New class: Birth Basics
This August, I'm offering a 2 session "Birth Basics" course. I have contemplated this for a while, and I'm excited to be able to offer this education to people who otherwise might not be able to attend my comprehensive classes. However, it is important to know that this class is just the basics of birth- in such a short time I'm not able to cover all the same information as I normally do.
By the end of this "Birth Basics" class, you should have these questions answered:
By the end of this "Birth Basics" class, you should have these questions answered:
- How do I know when I'm in labor?
- What happens during labor? (stages, terminology, etc.)
- What can my partner do to support me? (physically, mentally, and emotionally)
- How do I know when to go to the hospital?
You will also be aware of :
- Lots of positions to use during labor and delivery
- A variety of coping techniques
- How a birth plan can help you have the birth you want
In addition, the class will help to:
- Identify good sources to help you gain the information you need
- Connect you with a network of resources to further your preparation for birth and parenting
This class would be approriate for all women- those who are desire to labor and deliver unmedicated ("going natural") or those who plan to have an epidural. You'll get the basics of birth so you'll have some idea of what to expect. Come join us! You'll be glad you did!
Dates: Tuesdays August 20 and 27
Time: 6:30-9:00 (may go to 9:30 if we have more questions, discussion, etc.)
Location: Honey Bump Maternity in Layton
Fee: $60 includes class for mom and partner or anyone who will be attending her birth, along with supplies, snack, and follow-up email ($10 deposit to save your spot, remaining $50 due at the first session)
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Register TODAY to save your spot!
If you are short on time or short on cash (or both!), or if you live far away from Salt Lake, this class might be better for you than my regular comprehensive classes. However, if you are hoping for a comprehensive experience (with information on prenatal wellness, more in-depth info on labor and delivery, various and complications, labor rehearsal practice, breastfeeding, newborn care, postpartum healing,etc.) then please contact me about my upcoming comprehensive class (starting in September).
If you'd like to pay via paypal, you may do so here (price slightly higher due to fees):
If you'd like to pay via paypal, you may do so here (price slightly higher due to fees):
Nursing in Public

This post was written as part of the Breastfeeding Cafe's Carnival. For more info on the Breastfeeding Cafe, go to For more info on the Carnival or if you want to participate, contact Claire at clindstrom2 {at} gmail {dot} com. Today's post is about nursing in public. Please read the other blogs in today's carnival listed below and check back for more posts July 22nd through August 4th!
Thursday, August 1st - Breastfeeding in public: do you have any tips or tricks? Why is it important to you? Has anyone ever confronted you about breastfeeding in public?
I wrote a lengthy post on this topic a few years ago when I was a guest poster for the Cafe: Check it out! As I re-read it today, it was fun for me to go back and remember what it was like to learn to nurse in public as a new mom.
Now, two years later and with two kiddos, here's the advice I'd give to moms about nursing in public:
- Plan ahead- consider your clothing choices before leaving the house
- Find supportive friends or family- If you're unfamiliar with nursing in public, go to a LLL meeting or hang out with other moms of new babies- they'll totally relate to what you're going through.
- Consider babywearing - practice nursing in a carrier (ring sling, buckle carrier, wrap, etc.) at home to get more comfortable with it
- Be confident- You are feeding your baby the normal, healthy way, and you should be proud of that! Also, you are setting an example for other moms and future parents. You have every right to take care of your baby's needs wherever you are. I like a litmus test for nursing in public from a hilarious post by The Feminist Breeder: if it would he appropriate to feed a baby a bottle in that place/situation, then it's appropriate to breastfeed your baby.
- Relax. Your experience will be more positive if you aren't stressed out (and your baby will probably eat better, too).
- Just do it! the best way to get comfortable with nursing in public is by nursing in public- it gets easier!
Here are more post by the Breastfeeding Cafe Carnival participants! Check back because more will be added throughout the day.
- Shary @ Atta Mama-Breastfeeding Cafe Carnival: Breastfeeding in Public (AKA The Curious Nursling)
- Claire @ The Adventures of Lactating Girl-The Time No One Cared
- Timbra @ Bosoms and Babes-In The Public Eye
- Krystyna @ Sweet Peas Families-Thoughtful Thursday: Nursing in Public
- Christina @ Momzelle-Breastfeeding in Public
- Angelina @ dizzyrat-Breastfeeding: In Public
- Hailey @ Birth Utah-Nursing in Public
- And of course the guest poster on the Breastfeeding Cafe’s blog today is Elizabeth-Normalizing Breastfeeding by Nursing in Public
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Wordless Wednesday: Babywearing Pics

This post was written as part of the Breastfeeding Cafe's Carnival. For more info on the Breastfeeding Cafe, go to For more info on the Carnival or if you want to participate, contact Claire at clindstrom2 {at} gmail {dot} com. Today's post is babywearing photos. Please read the other blogs in today's carnival listed below and check back for more posts July 22nd through August 4th!
Wednesday, July 31st - Wordless Wednesday-Babywearing Photos: do you babywear? Show us! Bonus points if you’re nursing and babywearing!
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tired girl (Maggie) after learning how to adjust the ring sling (Maya Wrap) at the Babywearing SLC meeting |
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not my best positioning work in the Moby wrap...but Molly slept through graduation and that was awesome! |
Maggie in the Boba carrier in Victoria, BC |
My sister, my husband, and me- all wearing Boba baby carriers in Victoria BC |
conclusion?? I babywear almost daily but don't have enough evidence...
Here are more post by the Breastfeeding Cafe Carnival participants! Check back because more will be added throughout the day.
- Laura @ Authentic Parenting-Babywearing All Over the World
- Amy @ Wildflower Ramblings-Babywearing our sweet girl
- Claire @ The Adventures of Lactating Girl-How to Breastfeed in a Boba
- Sara @ Momzelle-Wordless Wednesday - Babywearing
- Timbra @ Bosoms and Babes-”Baby” Wearing
- Angelina @ dizzyrat-Wordless Wednesdays: Babywearing!
- Hailey @ Birth Utah-Wordless Wednesday: Babywearing Pics
- Krystyna @ Sweet Pea Births-Wordless Wednesday: Beautiful Babywearing
- And of course the guest poster on the Breastfeeding Cafe’s blog today is Jillian-Wordless Wednesday: Babywearing
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
My husband, My hero

This post was written as part of the Breastfeeding Cafe's Carnival. For more info on the Breastfeeding Cafe, go to For more info on the Carnival or if you want to participate, contact Claire at clindstrom2 {at} gmail {dot} com. Today's post is about your partner's role in breastfeeding. Please read the other blogs in today's carnival listed below and check back for more posts July 22nd through August 4th!
Tuesday, July 30th - How your partner helped/hindered: was your partner a huge support or did they take a bit to get used to nursing? If you are a single parent, has anyone else in your family helped or hindered your breastfeeding efforts?
I am so grateful to my husband, Jonny, for his support in my birth and breastfeeding processes. He attended birth and breastfeeding classes with me before the birth of our daughter and was with me every step of the way through pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding. I especially appreciate how supportive he was of my breastfeeding, despite the fact that he came from a family who never nursed. He did, however, serve a 2 year LDS mission in Bolivia where women nurse constantly very openly. I'm so grateful that nursing had been so normalized for him!
Even though he had always visualized himself bonding with his babies through bottles, he has never been anything but supportive of breastfeeding. I can't count the times I've doubted myself and he has buoyed me up and encouraged me to keep going. When I'm feeding the baby, he'll make sure I have everything I need (drink, phone, etc.) and will take care of our older daughter if the baby needs quiet time.
Not only does he support me personally, but he also spreads the word to others about the benefits of normal birth and breastfeeding and I love him for it!
What about you?
Here are more post by the Breastfeeding Cafe Carnival participants! Check back because more will be added throughout the day.
- Sara @ Momzelle-Partner Breastfeeding Support - Support During Weaning
- Claire @ The Adventures of Lactating Girl-My Husband’s Unexpected Support
- Hailey @ Birth Utah-My Husband, My Hero
- Angelina @ dizzyrat-My Home
- Krystyna @ Sweet Pea Births-Real Men Support Breastfeeding
- Timbra @ Bosoms and Babes-Partners in Crime
- And of course the guest poster on the Breastfeeding Cafe’s blog today is Emily-Support Makes All The Difference
Monday, July 29, 2013
Three's a crowd...tandem nursing

This post was written as part of the Breastfeeding Cafe's Carnival. For more info on the Breastfeeding Cafe, go to For more info on the Carnival or if you want to participate, contact Claire at clindstrom2 {at} gmail {dot} com. Today's post is about breastfeeding multiple children. Please read the other blogs in today's carnival listed below and check back for more posts July 22nd through August 4th!
Monday, July 29th - Breastfeeding multiples: twins (or more!), tandem nursing singletons, even nursing more than one child through your breastfeeding years. Tell us about your experience.
My experience:
In October 2010, my first daughter was born. After working through pretty normal challenges getting started, we had a pretty easy breastfeeding relationship and she was a very enthusiastic nurser. When I got pregnant again in May 2012, she was still nursing a couple of times a day (naptime, bedtime, at night, and occasionally first thing in the morning). First trimester brought tender breasts and I would cringe a bit when she latched on, so I had to try to minimize her distractions so she wouldn't pop off and on over and over again. My supply dramatically dropped during late second trimester, so I thought that she might self-wean during this period. My enthusiastic nurser, though, had no plans of stopping. She nursed through her second birthday and through the rest of my pregnancy (I was actually grateful to have her nurse in early labor in when I was trying to get contractions to pick up...10 days after my due date).
When baby #2 was born in January 2013, I attempted to tandem nurse both girls at the same time. For me, it felt too much like three (two girls plus me) was a crowd! Since #1 was used to nursing to sleep, there wasn't a good way for me to nurse both girls laying down (and believe me, I tried a few crazy arrangements). Instead of the enjoyable bonding time, it was torture trying to get both girls quiet and asleep in that funky position. I decided that wasn't going to work out, and started making some changes, first by putting the baby to sleep in the swing and having one on one time with #1 at naptime and bedtime. Another major change: my older daughter went from nursing-to-sleep to a short nursing session before bed. At this time she also changed from sleeping in our bed to sleeping in her own bed (a twin mattress on the floor- big enough for one of us to be by her when she's having a hard time and close enough to the ground that she doesn't get hurt when she rolls out fairly often). With these two changes came a major growth moment- #1 going to sleep with dad when mom wasn't home! Now that nursing wasn't entirely connected with sleep, she cut back and back on how often she would nurse- occasionally before bed or in the middle of the night if she wakes up from a bad dream or is having a hard time. If I wasn't nursing a baby, my milk supply would probably be gone. (Weaning a toddler when you have a baby is a different experience).
I could go on for a long time as to why our experience turned out the way it did. I tried to do what was best for my kids- offering the nutrition and emotional support of nursing for as long as it was appropriate for both of us, while balancing the needs of our new baby, a tired new mom, and a growing big sister. For many, my situation would not be their choice and I hesitate putting it out there because I'm sure there are those who will judge my actions. However, looking back, I'm okay with how it's gone- I felt like the transition has been loving and gradual to try to reduce the feeling of being displaced and instead celebrate growing up.
I don't write my story to tell anyone what they should do- there's no easy answer as every family has its own unique circumstances. I write it only to offer one mom's experience. What I really want is to write what I wish someone would have said to me-
You are doing a great job. You are a good mom.
If you're struggling....Identify how you feel about nursing (positives and negatives) and come up with a plan that works for everyone.
On-demand feeding is important for building a good milk supply and for the growth of an infant who is fully breastfed. It's okay to let other things in your life slide so you can focus on caring for your baby!
Especially for toddlers/older babies: It's okay to set boundaries with breastfeeding. You don't have to be a 24 hour restaurant...unless you want to be, and then that's okay, too!
Every nursing relationship includes two people: mom and baby. Adding another person (new baby) adds one more dimension. It's your job to consider everyone's needs and make gentle decisions that are best for everyone (and don't forget yourself).
Most of all, once you've decided what you want, find supportive people and go for it.
You can do it.
This time will pass quickly and our little ones will be big and we'll remember these days fondly.
And to those of you moms who are tandem nursing: Rock On, Mama! You have my admiration. Way to go!!
To all of you moms: you're amazing. Keep up the good work! Hang in there!
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Nursing wardrobe

This post was written as part of the Breastfeeding Cafe's Carnival. For more info on the Breastfeeding Cafe, go to For more info on the Carnival or if you want to participate, contact Claire at clindstrom2 {at} gmail {dot} com. Today's post is about your favorite nursing wear. Please read the other blogs in today's carnival listed below and check back for more posts July 22nd through August 4th!
Sunday, July 28th - Physical support: tell us what is your favorite nursing wear and why!
When I first started nursing, I was afraid I had to buy a whole new wardrobe. I do have a few nursing bras and a couple of nursing shirts. While it can be handy to have some garments designed for nursing, I've discovered it is definitely not required. Sometimes, in fact, it can be easier to wear regular clothes.
Basically, I've discovered that any clothes can work for nursing if they fit one of two categories: ability to lift up from the bottom or the ability for breast access from the neckline. Most of my clothing fits one or both of those categories- with the exception of certain dresses or tight blouses.
If you plan on nursing sitting down, any shirt that you can lift up to allow access will work (along with a nursing bra). If you prefer to keep your midsection more covered, you can wear layers (lift the top layer, pull down the bottom layer to allow breast access). I've tried nursing tanks and never been a fan of the nursing tank with the built-in bra; they just aren't supportive enough for me. I like this idea of a DIY nursing tank. If you prefer to buy premade, I've heard great things about Undercover Mama tanks.
If you prefer more flexibility and want to be able to nurse more easily in a carrier (such as an Ergo, Boba, wrap, etc.), choose a shirt that allows you to lift a breast out of the shirt to feed a baby (stretchy, wide, or v-necks work well).
What's your favorite nursing wear??
Here are more post by the Breastfeeding Cafe Carnival participants! Check back because more will be added throughout the day.
- Laura @ Authentic Parenting-Can’t Live Without a Nursing Bra
- Katy @ Mommy News and Views-Physical Nursing Support for Busty Gals
- Claire @ The Adventures of Lactating Girl-Target Nursing Tanks
- Hailey @ Birth Utah-Nursing Wardrobe
- Timbra @ Bosoms and Babes-Bands, Bras, Tanks & Tees
- Christine @ Momzelle-My Favourite Nursing Wear...Of Course
- Angelina @ dizzyrat-Favorite Feeding Shirt
- And of course the guest poster on the Breastfeeding Cafe’s blog today is Krystyna-Krystyna’s Favorite Nursing Wear
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Go-To Resource

This post was written as part of the Breastfeeding Cafe's Carnival. For more info on the Breastfeeding Cafe, go to For more info on the Carnival or if you want to participate, contact Claire at clindstrom2 {at} gmail {dot} com. Today's post is about your go-to breastfeeding resource. Please read the other blogs in today's carnival listed below and check back for more posts July 22nd through August 4th!
Saturday, July 27th - Your go-to resource: what person, book, group, etc. was your number one place to go to for help?
ONE resource?? That's hard! Ask me to give you a list of resources...that's easy! Maybe I'll cheat a little and give you my number one resource as I look back in time.
When I first started breastfeeding, was my number one resource. It was an awesome middle-of-the-night "is this normal?" reliable resource. It was perfect when I was a brand new mom and not sure if my questions were dumb and too scared to ask someone in person.
As I got a bit more confidence, La Leche League groups were my next resource. More than just the facts that I could get online or from good books, I enjoyed seeing other moms and babies face to face. Hearing their struggles and successes, and seeing them feed their babies did more for normalizing breastfeeding than any book could have.
Fast forward a few years later.....At this point, I had the wonderful opportunity to become friends with Meghan Reed, who is an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) and an amazing new momma. Meghan took my childbirth classes before the birth of her baby---how awesome was it to have this sweet IBCLC in class!! She taught us all a lot.
I'll admit before my second daughter was born I figured I knew everything about breastfeeding because I had done it for more than 2 years already. The second time around was definitely easier, but I learned that every baby has it's own part in the breastfeeding relationship and each breastfeeding relationship comes with it's own unique challenges. It was SO nice to have Meghan on speed dial in those first few weeks! Everyone should be so lucky to have a friend who is an IBCLC. If you aren't that lucky, I encourage you to find one that you feel comfortable calling with questions!
p.s. Meghan can be found at You can search for an IBCLC in your area here Lactation consultations should now be covered by insurance--check with yours!
What's your go to resource?
Here are more post by the Breastfeeding Cafe Carnival participants! Check back because more will be added throughout the day.
- Katy @ Mommy News and Views-Helping Other Moms Succeed
- Hailey @ Birth Utah-My Lactation Life Saver
- Sara @ Momzelle-My Lactation Life Saver
- Angelina @ dizzyrat-My Go-to
- Timbra @ Bosoms and Babes-The Breastfeeding Bible
- Claire @ The Adventures of Lactating Girl-The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding
- And of course the guest poster on the Breastfeeding Cafe’s blog today is MelThe La Leche League Resource
Friday, July 26, 2013
Helping Other Moms Succeed

This post was written as part of the Breastfeeding Cafe's Carnival. For more info on the Breastfeeding Cafe, go to For more info on the Carnival or if you want to participate, contact Claire at clindstrom2 {at} gmail {dot} com. Today's post is about helping other moms succeed in their breastfeeding journeys. Please read the other blogs in today's carnival listed below and check back for more posts July 22nd through August 4th!
Friday, July 26th - Helping other moms succeed: have you helped any other moms with their breastfeeding journey?
My goal and heart-felt desire is to help moms with their breastfeeding journey before it ever starts. I teach comprehensive childbirth education classes and spend a class session talking about newborn abilities and breastfeeding. I try to give moms a realistic view of breastfeeding: it's normal, natural, easy, and amazing AND it can be difficult at times....but is totally worth it.
I try to make sure moms know the basics of having a good latch, how to have a good milk supply, deal with common issues, know when to call in an expert, and how to find support. To me, prenatal breastfeeding education is essential, because too often I talk to moms whose problems could have been prevented if they'd been given good information before birth. After birth, I try to be a resource for moms and be encouraging without judgment. Every mom needs a cheerleader!
I sincerely hope somehow I've helped moms, whether formally through my classes or participation in LLL or the Davis County Breastfeeding Coalition, or informally through my example with family and friends.
Who helped you on your journey?
Here are more post by the Breastfeeding Cafe Carnival participants! Check back because more will be added throughout the day.
- Claire @ The Adventures of Lactating Girl-Why I Started This Blog
- Timbra @ Bosoms and Babes-Success is in the Eye of the Beholder
- Hailey @ Birth Utah-Helping Other Moms Succeed
- And of course the guest poster on the Breastfeeding Cafe’s blog today is Christine-A helpful talk about Mahée Paiement’s breastfeeding controversy
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Breastfeeding in Special Circumstances

This post was written as part of the Breastfeeding Cafe's Carnival. For more info on the Breastfeeding Cafe, go to For more info on the Carnival or if you want to participate, contact Claire at clindstrom2 {at} gmail {dot} com. Today's post is about breastfeeding in special circumstances. Please read the other blogs in today's carnival listed below and check back for more posts July 22nd through August 4th!
Thursday, July 25th - Breastfeeding in special circumstances: if you ever breastfed through an auto-immune disease, had to do an elimination diet, breastfed a baby with special needs, etc. Anything out of the realm of “normal” goes here!
Well, unfortunately (or actually, really fortunately), I don't have any good personal experience with any of these special this post is mostly to direct you to the other awesome posts on this topic today (at the bottom).
I do have to say, though, while I haven't experienced these situations myself, I have known AMAZING mommas who have breastfed through severe allergies (with diet restriction), tongue-tie/lip-tie, thrush, illness, and even a wonderful mom who re-lactated after she had to wean due to a health problem. So, if you are struggling with a special circumstance, go connect with other moms who have successfully made it through your challenge. You can do it, momma! :-)
Here are more post by the Breastfeeding Cafe Carnival participants! Check back because more will be added throughout the day.
- Claire @ The Adventures of Lactating Girl-Breastfeeding with a Peanut Allergy
- Timbra @ Bosoms and Babes-Milk Machine Mama
- Christine @ Momzelle-Breastfeeding in Special Circumstances
- Angelina @ dizzyrat-Tongue and Lip Tie
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Breastfeeding Photos

This post was written as part of the Breastfeeding Cafe's Carnival. For more info on the Breastfeeding Cafe, go to For more info on the Carnival or if you want to participate, contact Claire at clindstrom2 {at} gmail {dot} com. Today's post is breastfeeding photos. Please read the other blogs in today's carnival listed below and check back for more posts July 22nd through August 4th!
Wednesday, July 24th - Wordless Wednesday-Breastfeeding Photos: share pictures of you and your nursling(s)!
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This is 2011's World Breastfeeding Week photo shoot (by Timbra Wiist of Landslide Photography) with my first daughter |
On vacation this past May visiting my sister's family in Victoria BC, I spent lots of time nursing my second daughter while she was in my Boba baby carrier. So convenient! |
...and when that nursing baby fell asleep, I could continue to enjoy a walk on the beach with my husband without being afraid of waking her up! :-) |
Here are more post by the Breastfeeding Cafe Carnival participants! Check back because more will be added throughout the day.
- Lauren @ Hobo Mama-Breastfeeding at 2
- Laura @ Authentic Parenting-Wordless Wednesday: Breastfeeding pictures - 5 years in review
- Claire @ The Adventures of Lactating Girl-My Favorite Nursing Photos
- Sara @ Momzelle-Wordless Wednesday - Breastfeeding Photos
- Hailey @ Birth Utah-Breastfeeding Photos
- Timbra @ Bosoms and Babes- Wordless Wednesday: Nursing Photos
- Angelina @ dizzyrat-breastfeeding photos i love
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Breastfeeding Myths

This post was written as part of the Breastfeeding Cafe's Carnival. For more info on the Breastfeeding Cafe, go to For more info on the Carnival or if you want to participate, contact Claire at clindstrom2 {at} gmail {dot} com. Today's post is about breastfeeding myths and dispelling them. Please read the other blogs in today's carnival listed below and check back for more posts July 22nd through August 4th!
Tuesday, July 23rd - Breastfeeding myths: what’s the biggest breastfeeding myth in your opinion? Help us dispel it!
This is pretty basic, but I think the biggest breastfeeding myth to me is "if it's natural, it should always come naturally to all moms and babies."
Here's the deal, ladies (and gents): Breastfeeding is natural, somewhat instinctual, and definitely normal; but it is also a learned behavior and most of us grew up in a culture where breastfeeding is not seen or taught. Instead, moms hear from other moms how hard breastfeeding was and how they gave up- which does not have to be the case!
Often, once moms and babies make it through the first weeks, they will describe breastfeeding as EASY and enjoyable (with a few bumps in the road perhaps). However, in those first few sleep-deprived weeks, breastfeeding can feel difficult, overwhelming, and even painful. To make it through this time, it's critical that new moms have some accurate breastfeeding education prenatally and a wealth of resources (online and in- person: LLL, lactation consultants, helpful friends/family, supportive partner, etc.). Keep reading for posts about resources as the blogging carnival continues!
What breastfeeding myths have you heard??
Here are more post by the Breastfeeding Cafe Carnival participants! Check back because more will be added throughout the day.
- Katy Rank Lev @ Mommy News and Views-Breastfeeding Myths: Pump and Dump
- Angelina @ dizzyrat-The infant image
- Claire @ The Adventures of Lactating Girl-The Spitter
- Christine @ Momzelle-The Biggest Breastfeeding Myth Is...
- Shary @ Atta Mama-Breastfeeding Cafe Carnival: Dispelling A Common Breastfeeding Myth
- Hailey @ Birth Utah-Breastfeeding Myths
- And of course the guest poster on the Breastfeeding Cafe’s blog today is Jasmine Jafferali-Breastfeeding Myths
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